和爱人、女儿一道看完这一部Ghibli动画又是昭和-平成的精神过渡平成应成为昭和的疗愈天王助理虽然如今回看它没有做到但平成的确寄寓了一种自我认识(回忆/成长/折返)的可能:原来一切现代性都不外乎日本性反之亦然叙事上随意、零乱不通但这取“巧”也却“妙”了踏上了日本浪漫派/平成巴洛克/后现代寓意的门槛Ghibli本就是昭和绽放而璀璨于平成最后补充一句高佃勋是何许出身东大法国文学专业Jacques Prévert的日译者而“讲好日本故事”却往往需要由他出手
How do you unwrap the gift, parents? It indeed seems no easier than the Navier-Stokes for many supports to raise a talent. Frank prefers protecting the child's psychological health and helping her growth in personality with empathy and affectionate environment to fully exploring her potential before finding a better balance between the two, while Mary's grandma insists that extraordinary people is doom to be away from the ordinary and tries to isolate children from any close relationship, which in her eyes is but distraction from success. Extraordinary doesn't mean abnormal, arrogant or alone, and doesn't necessarily lead to a happy life. A gift is a gift only when it's properly unwrapped.